My gardening neighbor is a good example of how learning the positive use of a wild child can be life-changing. I had already harvested a bunch of Plantain from her yard and field, and she had actually helped pick it, shaking her head the whole time. So when a nettle I was harvesting flopped over and gave me a little sting on the arm I said "Now I need a Plantain!" Jolene knew what to grab, and quickly found one (they are always near nettles - see how that works?!).I chewed a piece of leaf for a moment then put the wad on the nettle sting, and went on cutting. I didn't say anything, and neither did she.Then a few days ago, she told me, "Say, that Plantain really works! I put it on a bee sting when we were out loading hay, and it stopped hurting immediately!" So now she has some plantain soaking in a jar with olive oil, to use on owies and skin rashes - works on animals, too!
Here is a link to some detailed information on Plantain - some history, it's action, what it can be used for medicinally, and a couple of recipes for medicinal use - a tea, and a salve. It's more useful for you to read the information firsthand than to have me try to paraphrase it. A lot of information, but a quick read. You might even want to save it in a file to refer to as needed.
Plantain tea is more medicinal than casual. Don't let that keep you from trying it. It has a mild "green" flavor:
For colds and flu use 1 tbls. dry or fresh whole Plantain (seed, root, and leaves) to 1 cup boiling water, steep 10 min. strain, sweeten. Drink through the day.After browsing the above website, it's plain to see how Plantain earned the moniker of "Medicine Leaf"!
Next: making Plantain oil. You'll need that olive oil, and a jar with a lid, and of course, some Plantain.
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